Step 1: The ArrestDon’t let the police take advantage of you while you’re in custody. Call Walsh Law right away, and we’ll get to work protecting your rights so you don’t inadvertently self-incriminate.
Step 2: The ArraignmentWalsh Law is an aggressive Folsom criminal defense firm that can argue for reasonable bail and help you await the end of your case from the comfort of your home.
Step 3: Pre-Trial HearingsWe’ll evaluate the prosecution’s case, challenge weak evidence and inconsistencies, and do our due diligence to get the charges against you reduced or dropped.
Folsom Child Pornography Lawyer
Being accused of a sex crime in Folsom, particularly one against children, can be incredibly frightening. Child pornography is one such offense where the penalties are extreme and even a baseless accusation can ruin your life. If you’ve been charged with possessing, distributing, producing, or otherwise being involved with child pornography in California, you need adept legal representation – and fast. Your reputation, career, and future could depend on it.
An experienced Folsom child pornography lawyer from Walsh Law is here to help protect your rights, outline your defense options, and create a personalized strategy that uniquely serves your best interests. Life as you know it doesn’t have to end here.
Call (916) 610-3558 or submit an online form to set up a free, confidential consultation about your child porn charges.
What is Child Pornography in California?
Many people assume there must be nude children depicted for a photo or video to be considered child pornography, but California’s laws are broader and more nuanced than that.
According to California Penal Code § 311, the term child pornography refers to any “obscene” material that depicts a person under the age of 18 engaging in any sort of sexual conduct, including simulated sex acts. “Obscene” indicates that the material is offensive in nature and holds no educational, artistic, literary, scientific, social, or political value.
Child Pornography Charges
In California, you could be charged with a child pornography offense for several reasons. Specific child pornography crimes under state law include:
- California Penal Codes § 311.1 and § 311.2 make it a crime to distribute or intend to distribute child pornography, including exchanging, producing, or duplicating child porn to exhibit it to someone else.
- California Penal Code § 311.3 defines the crime of sexual exploitation of a child as knowingly sharing, developing, printing, exchanging, or duplicating child porn in any manner.
- California Penal Code § 311.4 makes it a crime to knowingly hire, employ, entice, coerce, or use a minor to assist in the making of child pornography, or permit a child of whom you are the parent or legal guardian to pose or model alone with others if the posing or modeling involves sexual conduct.
- California Penal Code § 311.10 makes it a crime to advertise child pornography for sale or distribution.
- California Penal Code § 311.11 makes it a crime to knowingly possess or control child pornography in any manner.
Child pornography can be in the form of physical or digital materials. This includes computer-generated and AI images, data, or videos of a minor engaging in or simulating sexual conduct.
Child Pornography Penalties in Folsom, CA
In California, child pornography can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, but it is almost always filed as a felony. Felony child pornography convictions are punishable by up to three years in state prison. If your charges are only filed as a misdemeanor, the maximum sentence is one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
A few factors can result in higher penalties. For instance, if you have a prior conviction for a child pornography offense, possessed more than 600 images, or possessed child porn depicting someone under the age of 12, you could face up to five years of incarceration. Offenses under California Penal Code § 311.4 can result in a prison sentence as long as eight years.
Federal charges for possessing, receiving, or distributing child pornography can lead to a maximum of 15 years in federal prison for each offense.
Sex Offender Registration
If convicted of a child pornography crime, you must also register as a sex offender in the state of California for at least 10 years after completing your sentence. Depending on the nature of the offense, you may have to register for a lifetime.
Possible Defenses Against Child Pornography Charges
There are many defenses against child pornography charges in Folsom, including lack of knowledge or intent. You could dispute whether you knowingly possessed child pornography or knew that the depicted person was underage. Evidence of your search history could support the fact that you accidentally downloaded the child porn. Without the element that you “knowingly” committed the alleged offense, prosecutors could struggle to prove your charges.
You might also be able to argue that the materials in question do not constitute child pornography under California law. For example, your defense team could demonstrate that the content was intended for educational purposes only.
Ultimately, your case is unique and you need a personalized defense strategy that works for you. That is one of the many reasons why having a lawyer on your side is crucial when accused of a sex crime in Folsom, California.
Reach Out To A Folsom Child Pornography Attorney Today
If you’ve been accused of possessing or producing child pornography in California, you must act fast to protect your rights and reputation. Conviction under the state’s laws is a felony that will undoubtedly affect your life. It is critical that you utilize all the available resources to fight back in court, especially those provided by your defense lawyer.
Folsom child pornography lawyer Chris Walsh can help you preserve your innocence and deliver an effective defense in court when you’re facing serious child sex crime charges.
Contact Walsh Law at (916) 610-3558 now to schedule your free initial case consultation.
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“I am always able to get ahold of him directly either by cell or text including after hours and if for some reason he isn’t immediately available, he responds as soon as he can.”- Melissa C.
“He was compassionate and explained to me what to expect in an easy way for me to understand. He was straightforward and delivered on what he said he could do for me!”- Claudia H.
“I was in a bit of a situation and public defenders weren’t doing anything to help my case as if they didn’t have time. Which they don’t, but Chris Walsh did and came up with a few methods to fight my case.”- Dewan P.